SMS Consultants NZ provide quality management system solutions and ISO certification preparation to improve business efficiency and boost productivity.
Our management consultancy services help to improve the workflow of your processes, to ensure that quality management systems and safety processes are included and generally improve the productivity of your teams.
These processes include:
- Individualised Quality Management System Solutions
- Operations, Risk Analysis & Data Measurement
- ISO Audit Certification Preparation
- (ISO 9001, 14001, 22000 etc.)
- FCPs (Food control plans)
- RMPs (Risk management plans)
- HACCP (Hazard analysis critical control points)

We consult with you and your team to improve productivity.
Our Typical Clients
We work with a wide range of businesses but generally they are SME’s who specialise in Food and / or Manufacturing. The majority of our clients are based in the North Island of New Zealand, but we will look at opportunities wherever we can add value to a progressive business.
Typically our clients have a range of business compliance needs which are a key performance measure in the following sectors:
- Food (From meat to produce)
- Manufacturing
- Engineering
- Construction
- Roading
- Cafes
- Wineries
- Education – Supervisory and middle management training
- Businesses at start up, stepping up or ready to sell
Process Development
Developing the next steps allows businesses to maximise advantages and reduce costs by incorporating best practice within a quality management system.

Measure Performance
We work with you to examine and analyse core issues and processes, to develop your KPI’s and help you measure progress towards your company goals.

Some of the questions that we can answer:
- Do you have problems dealing with compliance changes?
- How much time / money are you wasting on non-conformance per year?
- What are the problems that keep coming up in your business that just don’t seem to get solved?
- What issues are keeping you awake at night?
- Do I need a Quality Management System?
- Should I get ISO 9001 certifification?
Talk to us if you have any of these challenges or concerns:
- Loss of time, no value and increased costs of compliance
- Audit challenges
- “Improvement time” challenge
- True Cost value calculation
- A lack of corrective and preventative action follow-ups and measures
- The 'No Blame’ challenge